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Message from the Lobo Football Booster Club:

Fans are anticipating an exciting year of football in 2024! Please join the LOBO Football Booster Club and support this effort. The proceeds of the booster club's work will go to improving Lobo football - for the players, coaches and fans. We fund uniforms, equipment and supplies. An important source of our funding comes from supporters like you, who join the booster club, advertise in the Friday night football program and/or advertise in the Jumbotron/stadium signs. EMAIL US!


How to join the Lobo Football Booster Club:


Download the Lobo Football Booster Club membership form for more information!


Meetings:  The Lobo Football Booster Club typically meets 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the remodeled Lobo Stadium press box. Meeting dates and times are posted on the homepage of this website a week prior to the meeting. All booster club members are invited to attend.


Merchandise:  Lobo merchandise can be purchased in the Lobo store located inside the LISD Athletic Office on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8 a.m. until noon and in the merchandise trailer at all varsity home games. You can also visit the Lobo Store on Facebook.


Mail membership forms to:


303 W. Loop 281, Suite 110, Box 224
Longview, TX 75605


Note: If the form is not attached with the submission of the check, the name that appears on the check will appear in the program.


Thanks for your support!

- Alicia Farr
Lobo Booster Membership Chairman


Booster Club Officers:


  • President: Don Reeves

  • First Vice-President: JoCarol Cox

  • Second Vice-President: Hardy Elkins

  • Secretary: Ginny Powell

  • Treasurer: Caryn Pepper

  • Assistant Treasurer: Debbie Knutson

  • Program Committee: Stefanie Yoder Webster, Katherine McCrory & Randi Rowe

  • Membership Chairman: Alicia Farr

  • Merchandise Chairman: JoCarol Cox


Thank you for emailing the Lobo Football Booster Club. We will be in touch as soon as possible.

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